Ragnarok Online - Free to Play MMORPG
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iroGM02 :
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Kiryuu :
iroGM02 :
Ok so, I`m going to ask you a few questions...
Oh by the way, i hope you did bring your Tiara?
I did
Ok.. great.
Ok to start with...
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Kiryuu :
iroGM02 :
Now that your level 99, how does it feel?
Honestly it`s a bit boring to use this character hehe
but still fun when I have someone to play with
Well I noticed you have 2 lvl 99 characters..
What`s up with that?
well, since I got bored with this character I made another hehe
ahh.. :)
priest is pretty fun, I wanted to make one for a long time
and I aimed for the same goal as this one, level 99
I see...
How long would you say it took you to reach level 99?
it took I think 3 months each, I don`t really remember
I did spend a lot of weeks on each not really leveling though
so it could probably be shorter
like, I did 90% of the experience points needed in half the total time
something like that
Wow, 2 level 99`s...and in 3 months...do you sleep at all? :D
not too much x_X
with school I have to give up some sleep to try to get level 99
ahh I see...well that`s great though, shows dedication.
hehe thanks
What is the main thing that keeps you playing iRO?
definitely the community and the addictiveness I suppose ^^
there`s always something you want to do
there`s never an "end"
even with a level 99 character you can go and make another, and it`s
almost impossible to have every rare in the game
Well what do you find yourself doing now mostly?
right now I`m trying to make my priest a bit better, like working on
upgrading armor, and fighting bosses sometimes
and making money as well if the chance arises
also working on an archer now
Sounds good.
How far are you planning to take the Archer?
hopefully 99 ^^
I want to use it as my main boss fighting character, Hunters seem good
for that hehe
How long have you been playing iRO?
I`ve actually been playing since Alpha but I started playing this
account with these characters and this name since around second
week of the second closed beta
I took about a half year break before that
Oh...thats a long time. :D
hehe yeah
What update are you looking forward to the most?
guild wars sounds like a lot of fun
I noticed your not in a guild though...?
well, my priest is in a guild...
A level 99 not in a guild...whats the problem..? :)
hehe, I don`t use this character too much that`s why ^^;
but if the guild I`m in ever needs this wizard, I can always switch
that`s my plan at least
Very true.
If you could be GM for one day, what would you do?
that`s an interesting question... hmm..
That`s why I asked it. :D
if we had PVP I would like to go beat up people mwahah
I also would like to go ban some bots... x_X
Ah yes, wouldn`t that be fun :)
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Kiryuu :
By the way, please give me your Tiara...
We have decided to upgrade it for you.
wow thanks =D
On second thought I`m just going to keep it...see you :P
No no, just kidding, please give me a minute though.
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iroGM02 :
What would you say is your favorite monster in iRO?
I don`t know why but I just like Abysmal Knight
always lags my slow computer when I see it
Ahh, well I suppose that`s a good reason to like it (?) hehe
Sohee is cute too
What is your favorite thing about iRO?
probably the ability to play with so many other people
and do all sorts of different things
and how it`s not linear at all
you can do anything you want at any given time
well, if your character is capable of it of course, but even so
you can at least try
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Kiryuu :
well here you go, present time. :)
thanks a lot
No problem.
We hope you enjoy it, you`ve earned it.
I sure will, thanks again
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Kiryuu :
We also hope that you continue to play iRO with as much dedication...
as you have, we thank you. Keep up the good playing. :)
I think I will ^^ given the time hehe
thanks a lot
Take care now.
you too
Bye bye.
bye bye