Ragnarok Online - Classes - Knight - Introduction
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2-1 Job Class
Under the instructions of the King, he/she has devoted to live as a Knight serving the King. He/She has the ability to move very quickly riding a PecoPeco. Having greater strength and the ability to attack than a Swordsman, he/she points his/her weapon at those who endanger the weak and the King.

The ability to move quickly, combined with a variety of different physical attacks puts fear into all enemies

You can change jobs to a Knight in the Capital City of Prontera. Apply at the Prontera Chivalry, located in the 11 o'clock direction. Turn in your application to the Captain and you will be instructed to talk to each member. The job change process tests compassion, bravery, insight, and loyalty. You must be exeperienced and knowledgable to pass this test. The Captain will then evaluate the results and you will be able to change to a Knight afterwards. Requirements are Job Lv 40.
01 l
This is the Prontera Chivalry.
02 l
Talk to the Captain to start the job change test.
03 l
Part of the job change test.
04 l
Be extra careful as ther are some dangerous parts in the test.
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