Feeling lost when you arrive in Rune Midgard for the first time?
Starting point has been overhauled to provide a better gameplay experience for new players.

After character creation, players will now be guided through a linear gameplay path to provide a better understanding of the game's basic mechanics.

Along the path, you will be given a simple linear quest by the NPCs. Follow through the quest, and you’ll end up in Izlude town.

When you arrive in Izlude, you will see a suspicious shadow. Fear not, this ‘dark shadow’ is not dangerous. You might want to click on it.
Shorty the Beginner’s Companion
Let’s go on adventure with the help of this little companion!

The shadow revealed itself as Shorty. This strange galapago will ask you to help it reunite with its dear master.
If you decide to help Shorty, you will get a unique item called Help Me Shorty.
Help Me Shorty
(Character Bound)
You can't do anything without me, right?
If you need help, double click me and get me out.
Weight : 0
Now, you can summon Shorty whenever you want in your journey by double-clicking the item in your inventory until you reunite it with its master.

When summoned, you can ask for advice for your beginner journey, like where you need to go, or any other tips and tricks that might be useful in your adventure.

Furthermore, Shorty can also provide you with Increase Agi and Blessing buff by selecting Give me strength! option.
This buff has a 30-minute cooldown
Parting Ways with Shorty
Every encounter has an end, every meeting led to a parting.
When you reach Base Level 31 or higher in your journey, summoning Shorty will provide a new dialogue.

Shorty will acknowledge you are no longer a beginner and ask you to meet its master in Payon.
Follow the questline, and you will meet Shorty’s master eventually.

Completing the quest, Salty will reward you with a cute costume as a thank you for bringing Shorty back to her.

Costume Penguin Cap
A hat made in the shape of a cute penguin.
In fact, it's supposed to look like the shape of Galapago.
It's a gift given by Salty after accompanying Shorty on an adventure.
Type : Costume
Def : 0
Location : Upper
Weight : 0
Required level : 1
Class : All Jobs

You can part ways with Shorty whenever you want by choosing Let’s part ways here.

If you do so, you will not be able to regain Help Me Shorty in any way.
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