Illusion Promotion Item!!

With the release of our newest instance Illusion of Luanda. We have prepared some newest line up for the Illusion Promotion item! Strengthen your character now and be the one who conquer the instance!
The item cost only 200KP each! Check more details of the item below:

Plastic Blue Rose
A rose that is said to bloom only on frozen ground.
Is it really just an ordinary plastic rose?
Increase physical and magical damage against Illusion of Frozen monsters by 20%.
Set Bonus:
Plastic Blue Rose
Illusion Combo Battle Glove [2]
Reduce Tiger Cannon cooldown by 1 second.
For every 2 refine level of weapon,
MHP + 200,
Increase Sky Blow and Dragon Combo damage by 5%.
Set Bonus:
Plastic Blue Rose
Illusion Huuma Fluttering Snow [2]
Reduce Swirling Petal cooldown by 1 second.
For every 2 refine level of weapon,
AGI + 3, DEX + 3.
Increase physical damage against all size enemies by 2%.
Set Bonus:
Plastic Blue Rose
Illusion Sacred Mission [1]
ASPD + 1.
For every 2 refine level of shield,
Increase physical and magical damage against all property monsters by 3%.
When shield refined to +10 or higher,
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
Reduce After Cast Delay by 7%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Lower
Weight : 10
Required Level : 110
Class : All Jobs

Special Bear Balloon
A teddy bear-shaped balloon loved by children.
It emits an ominous aura despite its look.
Increase physical and magical damage against Illusion of Teddy Bear monsters by 20%.
Set Bonus:
Special Bear Balloon
Illusion Counter Dagger [2]
Illusion Survivor's Manteau [1]
ATK + 100, MATK + 100.
When garment refined to +9 or higher, increase resistance to all properties, except Neutral property by 10%.
When garment refined to +11 or higher, increase melee physical damage by 20%.
When garment refined to +12 or higher, enable Splash Attack.
Set Bonus:
Special Bear Balloon
Illusion Survivor's Staff [2]
MHP + 400.
For every 2 refine level of weapon, increase Poison property magic damage by 4%.
When weapon refined to +9 or higher, reduce Poison Burst cooldown by 1 second.
When weapon refined to +11 or higher, increase Poison Burst and Killing Cloud damage by 30%.
When weapon refined to +13 or higher, reduce damage taken from boss monsters by 40%.
Set Bonus:
Special Bear Balloon
Illusion Gate Keeper-DD [2]
ASPD +2.
When performing normal long ranged physical attack, there's a 5% chance to cast Shattering Storm Lv. 3.
For every 2 refine level of weapon, increase Shattering Storm and Spread Attack damage by 5%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Lower
Weight : 10
Required Level : 120
Class : All Jobs

Sparkling Stick
A must-have sparkler when attending the fireworks festival in Comodo.
Maybe it has other purposes than a mere sparkler?
Increase physical and magical damage against Illusion of Luanda monsters by 20%.
Set Bonus:
Sparkling Stick
Illusion Tablet [2]
HIT + 30, ASPD + 1.
For every 3 refine level of weapon, increase Falling Star and Flash Kick damage by 5%.
Set Bonus:
Sparkling Stick
Illusion Hunter Bow [2]
Long ranged physical attack CRI + 30.
When weapon refined to +7 or higher,
Critical Damage + 10%.
Reduce Aimed Bolt cooldown by 1 second.
When weapon refined to +9 or higher, increase Aimed Bolt and Focused Arrow Strike damage by 35%.
When weapon refined to +11 or higher, reduce Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Lower
Weight : 10
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs

Mysterious Red Plate
A stylish oriental drinking glass in various colors.
It might attract the attention of a certain general.
Increase physical and magical damage against Illusion of Turtle monsters by 20%.
Set Bonus:
Mysterious Red Plate
Illusion Pole Axe [2]
Enables to use Spear Quicken Lv 5.
For every 2 refine level of weapon, increase Brandish Spear and Clashing Spiral damage by 8%.
Set Bonus:
Mysterious Red Plate
Illusion War Axe [2]
Reduce Axe Tornado and Cart Tornado cooldown by 1 second.
For every 2 refine level of weapon, increase physical damage against all size enemies by 2%.
Set Bonus:
Mysterious Red Plate
Illusion Iron Driver [2]
MATK + 110,
When performing physical attack, there's a 30% chance to cast Dark Strike equal to the level of Duple Light learned.
For every 2 refine level of weapon, increase Dark Strike damage by 6%.
When weapon refined to +9 or higher, increase physical and magical damage against Holy property monsters by 10%.
When weapon refined to +11 or higher, increase Dark property magic damage by 15%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Lower
Weight : 10
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs

Calming White Fox
A pure white fox clinging on its owner.
Who knows, it might help you during the moonlight.
Increase physical and magical damage against Illusion of Moonlight monsters by 20%.
Set Bonus:
Calming White Fox
Illusion Long Mace [2]
For every 2 refine level of weapon, MSP +200, increase damage against boss monsters by 5%.
When weapon refined to +9 or higher, casting cannot be interrupted.
When weapon refined to +11 or higher, increase Guillotine Fist damage by 35%.
Set Bonus:
Calming White Fox
Illusion Apple of Archer [1]
For every 2 refine level of helmet, ATK +10, DEX +3, physical damage against all size monsters +2%.
Set Bonus:
Calming White Fox
Illusion Shoes [1]
MHP + 10%, MSP + 10%.
When shoes refined to +9 or higher, ASPD + 10%, reduce Fixed Casting Time by 0,5 seconds.
Set Bonus:
Calming White Fox
Illusion Muffler [1]
MATK + 50, ATK + 50.
When garment refined to +9 or higher, reduce Variable Castin Time by 15%, reduce damage taken from Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind property by 10%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Lower
Weight : 10
Required Level : 1
Class : All Jobs

Naughty Bats
A flock of bats waiting to suck any blood.
It may be the familiars of certain blood-sucking noble.
Increase physical and magical damage against Illusion of Vampire monsters by 20%.
Set Bonus:
Naughty Bats
Illusion Skull Ring [1]
ATK + 7%, Guided Attack + 35, increase melee physical damage by 10%.
Set Bonus:
Naughty Bats
Vampire's Familiar [1]
ATK + 50, CRI + 15, ASPD + 10%.
Reduce After Cast Delay by 10%.
When performing physical attack, there's a 2% chance to absorb 2% of damage as HP.
Set Bonus:
Naughty Bats
Illusion Infiltrator [2]
ASPD + 1, increase physical damage against all size enemies by 10%.
When performing physical attack, there's a 7% chance to cast Vampire's Gift Lv. 3.
For every 2 refine level of weapon, increase Vampire's Gift damage by 8%.
Set Bonus:
Naughty Bats
Illusion Ancient Cape [1]
MATK + 100, increase all property magic damage by 10%.
When learned Masquerade-Unlucky level 3,
There's a 5% chance to cast Drain Life Lv. 2 when performing melee physical attack.
For every 2 refine level of garment, ASPD + 3%, increase Drain Life damage by 7%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Lower
Weight : 10
Required Level : 1
Class : All Jobs