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Spooky packs and Spooky machines!
Tonight things start to go Bump to cause Fright! We have a bundle of events going live October 18th!
  • Double Exp for a great end to a fantastic RWC Season!
  • The Spooky Machine has all new Rewards this week!
    • +4 = 3 Hugel Medals
    • +5 = 1 Yggdrasil Seed
    • +6 = 1 Ea of the +10 Foods
    • +7 = 1 Eden Merit badge
    • +8 = Witch's Pumpkin Hat
    • +9 = 4x Battle Manual x3
  • Octo Exterminators are in the house, and helping them can Earn you the Gozarian Mask!
  • New Halloween Spooky Pack is available from the Kafra Gals!
Halloween Spooky Pack

Witch’s Pumpkin Hat
A tattered witch hat adorned with a baby pumpkin. Str +2, Int +2, Mdef +10. Increase Damage against Undead and Demon monsters by 15%. Bonus effects when worn with Mr. Smile, Hahoe Mask, Alarm Mask, Opera Mask or Gozarian Mask. Mr. Smile: Adds a chance of gaining Pumpkin Pies when killing monsters. Hahoe Mask: Increased Aspd and adds a chance of adding 50 Atk while attacking. Alarm Mask: Increases the healing power of Pumpkin and Well-Baked Cookies and has a chance of receiving those items while attacking. Opera Mask: Increases Flee by 10 and adds a chance of stunning your enemy while attacking. Gozarian Mask: Atk and Matk +30 and adds a chance of gaining Pumpkin Pie, Well-Baked Cookie, Candy or Candy Canes while attacking. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Job : All

A mask that locked away the powers of Gozer and the Destructor. All Stats +1.(during event period) Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Middle, Bottom Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Job : All

Rescheduled Extended Maintenance Oct 25th
Greetings WarpPortal Citizens!

On October 25th, at 7am PST we'll be having maintenance for ALL titles in preparation of a major hardware move at our IDC (Internet Data Center). We are consolidating our server into a single location, something we've wanted to do for a long time. What this means for you is that for approximately 24 hours next week the forums, websites and games will be down.

Starting at approximately 9am PST the servers will be turned off and moved to their new locations. During this time ALL games, forums, and websites will be down until this move is completed. At current this is projected to be a 24 hour process, scheduled to end 9am PST October 26th.

Since most services will be down we'll be posting on the Facebooks and Twitters to keep you all up to date on our status. Follow us to keep up to date and find out when the servers are ready:



IDC Maintenance 10/18 Postponed
The IDC move/maintenance scheduled for tomorrow, 10/18 has been postponed until next week.

Ragnarok and Requiem will have their regularly scheduled maintenance from 10pm-3am PST.
ROSE and Dragon Saga will have no interruption to service and the servers will remain up and open.

Again the maintenance of 10/18 has been postponed until next week. More details to follow later this week.

Thank you for your understanding.

Groove Pack 2 Ends Tuesday!
With Tuesday's Regularly Scheduled maintenance the RWC Groove Pack #2 with its Safe to 7 Certificates will be discontinued. So be sure to stock up what you need for your upgrades while you can!

Merry Badger expands her offerings!

The Eden Group is proud to welcome Merry Badger to the Eden Group!

Merry Badger is given the job of taking Eden Merit badges from adventurers and rewarding them with items! Merry's List will keep Growing and possibly even accept things from adventurers to Earn Eden Merit Badges!

On the first floor on the Right side of the room, you can find her relaxing, waiting for to assist you!

1 Merit Badge10xKVM Badge
1 Merit Badge 10x Bravery Medals
1 Merit Badge 10x Valor Medals
2 Merit Badge 5x Medium Life Potion
2 Merit Badge 5xLife Insurance
2 Merit Badge 5xToken Of Siegfried
3 Merit Badge 1xJob Battle Manual
4 Merit Badge 1xReset Stone

Additionally, she will accept these items to give you Eden Merit Badges. This list will grow as time goes on, and some items may leave the list, but you will always have something to earn Eden Merit Badges with!

1 Eden Merit Badge is earned for any of the below combinations:

5Old Purple Box
3Piece of Rosetta Stone
3Broken Shield Piece
3Scale of Red Dragon
3Broken Pharoah Symbol
2Scale of Ice Dragon
2Bone Armor Piece
2Pocket Watch
1Mother's Nightmare
1Gravekeeper's Sword
1Sphinx Helm
1Bone Wand
1Ancient Lords Cape
1Ice Falchion
1Fire Brand
1Golden Gear
1Golden Mace
1Katar of Cold Icicle
1Claw of Garm

Also Check out the Changes to the VIP Summoner! Now he only checks your VIP status and takes 1 or 2 Eden Merit Badges for his once every 10 hour MVP Summoning!

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