In the beginning of April we will be performing a big update to all our servers, to remove the requirement for Monthly subscriptions for access to our Premium Servers. Also with this update we will be creating a "VIP" system that allows you to get the current premium benefits on ANY account regardless of which server you play on. There are many changes that are intended, and some that are still being tweaked; you can read the ongoing discussion and current plan
On the Blog.
For Yggdrasil, we are going to switch it to parallel Valkyrie, this means that it is a new Renewal server, that will be easily accessible to brand new players and characters. This will be a switch from being a "premium server" to being an open server.
Yggdrasil players are being given the opportunity to transfer from Yggdrasil to Ymir, FREE, now through April 6 (requests must be received by end of day April 6).
These transfers will have NO restrictions, and will be entirely free, using our Support ticket system to make the requests. After April 6, you can still play on Yggdrasil of course, but we want to offer you the opportunity to stay on a "VIP" server if you wished.
We will later begin offering server transfers, with certain restrictions, between all servers as Value added service.
If you are on Yggdrasil and you want to end up on Ymir please make that request soon!
Thank you,
WarpPortal Team