Ragnarok Online - Updates - 13.3 El Dicastes : Episode 13.3 Update
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13.3 El Dicastes : Episode 13.3 Update
Mini quest and Socket Upgrade Guide There are some new mechanics being introduced with the 13.3 update to the game. New items can be obtained and modified through one of the feline merchants who are based in the Kamidal foothills.The Sapha Certification can be obtained through daily quests and Exploration Quests in El Dicastes. Daily Quest in El Dicastes
There are 6 operational supervisors located at 10, 2 and 5 o'clock from the main square of El Dicastes. They assign quests related to hunting, collecting and deliveries in their designated areas, like those given by the Eden Group.

Quests are assigned on a daily basis, one quest type a day and quest contents are shown below
Laponte Assigns 1 random hunting quest out of total 7
Kalipo Assigns 1 random hunting quest out of total 6
Pura Assigns 1 random collecting quest out of total 10
Tragis Assigns 1 random collecting quest out of total 10
Calyon Assigns 1 random delivery quest out of total 11
Moltuka Assigns 1 random delivery quest out of total 11
Report completed quests at the operations building located north of the city and you will be rewarded with 1 Sapha Certification per quest you complete.
Ancient Relic Scroll Research Scrolls written by Sapha ancestors are available for viewing in the Archive room within the Operations building. To get thereEach document can be obtained by clicking document boxes and obtained documents are stored in quest form in your quest window. Start off to a new exploration based on the location and contents described in each document. Return each unknown relic discovered at a certain rate during exploration to Papyrus, the Archive Manager, and receive 1 Sapha Certification for every 3 unknown relics returned. He also exchanges 11 Certifications for 30 unknown relics returned. Cat Merchant Socketable Equipment Once you have earned some Saphra Certifications, you can spend them on equipment.
These unique gear cannot be traditionally refined but can be modified to give additional stats. To obtain the items, you can purchase them from the the Cat Merchant Jabong. Then, you will be able to upgrade equipment through the other cats Jalapeno, Mancho, and Brare, who can be found in the same area. (Each NPC specializes in upgrading one type of item.)
Unlike 1 and 2 Sockets, there is a chance of destroying the equip when upgrading to level 3. Destruction rate for 3 Socket upgrade may decrease depending on Cat Merchant Points. Once destroyed, the equip can be purchased and upgraded again from Jabong with more Sapha Certifications. Upgrades that you do not like can be reset by the cat that performed the upgrade.
Examples of items upgraded to level 3: There are three items that can be purchased and upgraded, these include Feral Boots, Golden Bells and Feral Tails.