Calling all adventurers! Trouble's a-brewin' in the town of Rock Ridge, a new frontier town across the sea, and they need your help!
Quest: Fistful of Zeny
Prerequisites: None
Level Requirement: 100
Quest Rewards: 200 Rock Ridge Coins, Vigilante Badge, 2500000 Base EXP, 1200000 Job EXP
To get to Rock Ridge, head to the docks in Alberta and speak to Karam Pucci. He will tell you all about Rock Ridge, Pink Rose, and their dire need for adventurers to help them out.
When you arrive in Rock Ridge, you'll be greeted warmly and with much fanfare - the people of Rock Ridge love and welcome newcomers! To start the main quest, speak to Mayor Costello just off the Rock Ridge dock.
He'll direct you to Sheriff Wyatt Warp out in town, who will fill you in on the rest of the details of the quest. Looks like we're in for a wild ride!
When you complete the quest, report back to Sheriff Wyatt to receive your prize of 200 Rock Ridge Coins, some EXP, and your choice of Vigilante Badge (R) or Vigilante Badge (L)

Quest: Pipe Cleaning
Prerequisites: Complete Fistful of Zeny quest
Frequency: Once per day after 4:00AM Server Time
Reward: Min. 25000 Base EXP, min. 20000 Job EXP, 1 Rock Ridge Coin
Rock Ridge has an underground water pump that ends up in the sea, but sea anemones keep sticking to the pipe and causing problems.
Donovan on the west side of town is looking for adventurers to help him out with the anemone problem!
To enter the Rock Ridge culvert, talk to Quiet Joe on the east side of town. He doesn't say much, but he'll get you where you need to go.
Travel east of the entrance to reach the pipe littered with sea anemones. Get rid of 20 of them!
To exit the culvert, travel to the northeast corner of the map and find the Underground Passage warp.
Return to Donovan for your prize of 1 Rock Ridge Coin! He'll need some more help later, so you can come back to do this quest after 4:00AM Server Time.

Quest: Collecting Ore Fragments
Prerequisites: Complete Fistful of Zeny quest
Frequency: Once per day after 4:00AM Server Time
Reward: Min. 25000 Base EXP, min. 20000 Job EXP, 1 Rock Ridge Coin
The Cacti of Rock Ridge need your help! Ever since Pink Rose started monopolizing ore production by building a mine, the native Cactus Tribe has had a hard time getting ore for themselves. The Buffalo Bandits squatting in the mine hasn't made matters any easier, either. The Cacti need your help defeating monsters in the Rock Ridge wilds and collecting their ore fragments.
Head over to the Rock Ridge desert (rockrdg1) and talk to Crouched Horse.
Defeat bandits and monsters out in the field to collect Purple Ore Fragments. They automatically appear in your inventory as soon as they are dropped. Collect 10 of them!
Return to Crouched Horse to collect your prize of 1 Rock Ridge Coin. Come back again after 4:00AM Server Time to help him out again!

Quest: Gas! Gas!
Prerequisites: Complete Fistful of Zeny quest
Frequency: Once per day after 4:00AM Server Time
Reward: Min. 101600 Base EXP, min. 94320 Job EXP, 3 Rock Ridge Coins
Even the mighty Buffalo Bandits need the help of an adventurer! Their side of the mine is littered with Gasters, strange gas-like monsters hovering around inside the mine.
Head out to Rock Ridge desert (rockrdg2) and talk to the Buffalo Bandit named Frail Ghast in front of the Rock Ridge mine.
Go into the mine and hunt down 20 Gasters on the first floor.
Return to Frail Ghast to receive your prize of 3 Rock Ridge Coins. Return again after 4:00AM Server Time to complete the quest again!