Kachua Mileage Coupon Exchange

Update Kachua Mileage Coupon
A newly updated item list for you to exchange with the Kachua Mileage Coupon.
Use the coupon to exchange it with various items at NPC Salesman Macaron (/navi prontera 180/328)
Item Name |
Description |

[Kachua] Mileage Coupon |
Account Bound
One coupon given for each use of Kachua's Secret Key.
Collect them and exchange them for various items.
Weight: 0 |

NPC Salesman Macaron (/navi prontera 180/328)
New Shadows categories available to exchange
Item Name |
Description |
Coupon Required |

M. Meister Shadow Armor |
Set Bonus:
M. Meister Shadow Armor
Master Shadow Shield
All Talent Status + 2.
Set Bonus:
M. Meister Shadow Armor
M. Meister Shadow Shoes
Master Shadow Shield
P.ATK + 1, S.MATK + 1.
When the total refine level of set is 27 or higher,
ignore physical and magical defense of all race monsters (except Player) by 50%.
Set Bonus:
M. Meister Shadow Armor
M. Meister Shadow Shoes
M. Meister Shadow Earring
M. Meister Shadow Pendant
Master Shadow Shield
Master Shadow Weapon
Ignore physical and magical resistance of all race monsters (except Player) by 20%.
Type: Shadow Equipment
Location: Armor
Weight: 0
Required Level: 200
Class: Meister
20 Coupon |

M. Meister Shadow Shoes |
Set Bonus:
M. Meister Shadow Shoes
Master Shadow Shield
All Talent Status + 2.
Type: Shadow Equipment
Location: Shoes
Weight: 0
Required Level: 200
Class: Meister |
20 Coupon |
M. Meister Shadow Earring |
Set Bonus:
M. Meister Shadow Earring
Master Shadow Weapon
All Talent Status + 2.
Set Bonus:
M. Meister Shadow Earring
M. Meister Shadow Pendant
Master Shadow Weapon
P.ATK + 1, S.MATK + 1.
When the total refine level of set is 27 or higher,
ignore physical and magical defense of all race monsters (except Player) by 50%.
Type: Shadow Equipment
Location: Earring
Weight: 0
Required Level: 200
Class: Meister
20 Coupon |

M. Meister Shadow Pendant |
Set Bonus:
M. Meister Shadow Pendant
Master Shadow Weapon
All Talent Status + 2.
Type: Shadow Equipment
Location: Pendant
Weight: 0
Required Level: 200
Class: Meister
20 Coupon |

Master Shadow Weapon |
ATK + 2%, MATK + 2%.
For every 2 refine level, increase melee, long-range physical, and all property magical damage by 1%.
When refined to +7 or higher, MHP + 3%, MSP + 3%.
When refined to +9 or higher, P.ATK + 2, S.MATK + 2.
Type: Shadow Equipment
Location: Weapon
Weight: 0
Required Level: 200
Class: 4th Jobs and 2nd High Expanded Jobs
15 Coupon |

Master Shadow Shield |
ATK + 2%, MATK + 2%.
For every 2 refine level, increase melee, long-range physical, and all property magical damage by 1%.
When refined to +7 or higher, MHP + 3%, MSP + 3%.
When refined to +9 or higher, P.ATK + 2, S.MATK + 2.
Type: Shadow Equipment
Location: Shield
Weight: 0
Required Level: 200
Class: 4th Jobs and 2nd High Expanded Jobs
15 Coupon |

Almighty Shadow Spellbook |
A magic book that strengthens Almighty Shadow equipment.
Gives 1 to 2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Be careful because the existing options will disappear.
[Applicable Items]
Almighty Shadow Earring
Almighty Shadow Pendant
Weight: 1
2 Coupon |
New Equipment categories available to exchange
Item Name |
Description |
Coupon Required |

Record of Merchant [1] |
Reduce global cooldown by 5%.
For every 2 levels of Mammonite,
Physical and Magical damage to all monster sizes +3%.
Set Bonus
Old Driver Band (Red)
Record of Merchant
Axe Boomerang cooldown is reduced by 0.5 second.
Physical damage to all monster sizes +10%.
Set Bonus
Old Driver Band (Yellow)
Record of Merchant
Reduced variable casting time Arm Cannon by 50%.
Reduce global cooldown by 5%.
Set Bonus
Old Midas Whisper
Record of Merchant
Physical damage to all monster sizes +10%.
Spore Explosion cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
Increases Spore Explosion damage by +40%.
Class : Accessory
Defense : 0
Weight : 10
Required level : 100
Jobs : 3rd Merchant Class |
50 |

Record of Merchant vol.2 [1] |
ASPD + 10%.
Increase physical damage against all size enemies by 6%.
Increase Axe Boomerang, Arm Cannon, and Spore Explosion damage by 30%.
Set Bonus:
Record of Merchant vol.2
Old Driver Band (Red)
Reduce Axe Boomerang cooldown by 2 seconds.
For every refine level of helmet, increase long range physical damage by 2%.
Set Bonus:
Record of Merchant vol.2
Old Driver Band (Yellow)
Reduce Arm Cannon cooldown by 0.3 seconds.
For every refine level of helmet:
Increase long range physical damage by 1%.
Reduce global cooldown by 1%.
Set Bonus:
Record of Merchant vol.2
Old Midas Whisper
Reduce Spore Explosion cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
For every refine level of helmet, increase Spore Explosion damage by 3%.
Set Bonus:
Record of Merchant vol.2
Record of Merchant
When equipped by Mechanic class:
Reduce Arm Cannon variable casting time by 50%.
When using Axe Boomerang, there's a 35% chance to cast Axe Boomerang on the target.
When equipped by Geneticist class:
There's 15% chance to cast Spore Explosion lv. 10 on target when taking melee physical damage.
Reduce Spore Explosion variable casting time by 100%.
Set Bonus:
Record of Merchant vol.2
Record of Merchant
Old Driver Band (Red)
For every 3 refine level of helmet:
Increase physical damage against all size enemies by 3%.
Increase Axe Boomerang damage by 30%.
Set Bonus:
Record of Merchant vol.2
Record of Merchant
Old Driver Band (Yellow)
For every 3 refine level of helmet:
Increase physical damage against all size enemies by 3%.
Increase Arm Cannon damage by 10%.
Set Bonus:
Record of Merchant vol.2
Record of Merchant
Old Midas Whisper
For every 3 refine level of helmet:
Increase physical damage against all size enemies by 3%.
Increase Spore Explosion damage by 30%.
Class : Accessory (Left)
Def : 0
Weight : 10
Required Level : 100
Jobs : Merchant Class |
50 |

Thanatos Magic Sword [1] |
A magic sword said to have been used by a powerful swordsman in the past.
You can feel some of the power still contained in it.
When Base Level is 210 or higher, P.ATK + 3, S.MATK + 3.
When Base Level is 230 or higher, additional P.ATK + 2, S.MATK + 2.
For every 3 refine level, increase melee, long-range physical, and all property magical damage by 2%.
For every 5 refine level, increase physical and magical damage against Medium and Large sized enemies by 5%.
When refined to +9 or higher, ignore physical and magical defense of Dragon and Angel race monsters by 20%.
When refined to +11 or higher, ignore physical and magical defense of Dragon and Angel race monsters by additional 10%.
Set Bonus:
Thanatos Magic Sword [1]
The Agony of Thanatos [1]
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 10%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +7 or higher,
increase physical and magical damage against Shadow and Holy property enemies by 15%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +9 or higher,
increase physical and magical damage against Dragon and Angel race enemies by 15%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +11 or higher,
increase physical and magical damage against Medium and Large sized enemies by 15%.
Set Bonus:
Thanatos Magic Sword [1]
Red Force Pendant [1] OR Blue Mental Pendant [1]
ATK + 50, MATK + 50.
Increase physical and magical damage against Medium and Large sized enemies by 15%.
Type: Garment
Def: 60
Weight: 50
Armor Level: 2
Required Level: 180
Class: All Jobss
50 |

Violent Dragon Shadow Armor [1] |
A mythical armor crafted from legendary dragon skin.
It contains the power of Nidhoggur.
MDEF + 10.
All Status + 10.
MHP + 15%, MSP + 15%.
For every 10 Base Level, MATK + 10.
For every 2 refine level, MATK + 2%.
For every 3 refine level, SPL, CON + 1.
When refined to +9 or higher, increase magical damage against all property enemies by 20%.
When refined to +11 or higher, increase magical damage against medium and large enemies by 25%.
When refined to +13 or higher, reduce After Cast Delay by 15%.
Set Bonus:
Violent Dragon Shadow Armor [1]
Nidhoggur Shadow Card
S.MATK + 15.
Increase magical damage against all class enemies by 30%.
Set Bonus:
Violent Dragon Shadow Armor [1]
Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]
For every 2 refine level of Garment, increase magical damage against all property enemies by 1%.
For every 6 of total refine level of set, increase magical damage against all property enemies by additional 6%.
Class : Armor
Def : 50
Weight : 100
Armor Level : 1
Required Level : 130
Jobs : All Jobs |
40 |

Abyss Lake Roaring Armor [1] |
A mythical armor crafted from legendary dragon skin.
It contains the power of Detardeurus.
MDEF + 10.
All Status + 10.
MHP + 15%, MSP + 15%.
For every 10 Base Level, ATK + 10.
For every 2 refine level, ATK + 2%.
For every 3 refine level, POW, CON + 1.
When refined to +9 or higher, increase melee and long ranged physical damage by 15%.
When refined to +11 or higher, increase physical damage against medium and large enemies by 25%.
When refined to +13 or higher, reduce After Cast Delay by 15%.
Set Bonus:
Abyss Lake Roaring Armor [1]
Detardeurus Card
P.ATK + 15.
Increase physical damage against all class enemies by 30%.
Set Bonus:
Abyss Lake Roaring Armor [1]
Dragon Scale Hood [1]
For every 2 refine level of Garment, increase physical damage against all property enemies by 1%.
For every 6 of total refine level of set, increase physical damage against all property enemies by additional 6%.
Class : Armor
Def : 50
Weight : 100
Armor Level : 1
Required Level : 130
Jobs : All Jobs |
40 |

Blue Mental Pendant [1] |
A customized blue Thanatos Necklace.
It has been modified to restore spirit energy to the user.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
Set Bonus:
Blue Mental Pendant
The Agony of Thanatos [1]
For every 4 refine level of Headgear, reduce After Cast Delay by 2%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +7 or higher,
There's a 1% chance to restore 3% of damage as SP when performing physical attack.
There's a 4% chance to restore 70 SP per second for 4 times when performing magical attack.
When the refine level of Headgear is +9 or higher,
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +11 or higher,
reduce Fixed Casting Time by 0.5 seconds.
This item can be enchanted with Dark Stone.
Type: Accessory (Right)
Def: 0
Weight: 10
Required Level: 1
Class: All Jobs
15 |

Red Force Pendant [1] |
A customized red Thanatos Necklace.
It has been modified to provide healing capabilities to the user.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
Set Bonus:
Red Force Pendant
The Agony of Thanatos [1]
For every 4 refine level of Headgear, reduce After Cast Delay by 2%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +7 or higher,
There's a 5% chance to restore 5% of damage as HP when performing physical attack.
There's a 4% chance to restore 300 HP per second for 4 times when performing magical attack.
When the refine level of Headgear is +9 or higher,
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +11 or higher,
reduce Fixed Casting Time by 0.5 seconds.
This item can be enchanted with Dark Stone.
Type: Accessory (Right)
Def: 0
Weight: 10
Required Level: 1
Class: All Jobs
15 |

Thanatos Necklace |
A necklace decorated with beautiful jewels.
It contains the fragments of a powerful swordsman in the past.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
Set Bonus:
Thanatos Necklace
The Agony of Thanatos [1]
When the refine level of Headgear is +7 or higher,
ASPD + 10%, Variable Casting Time - 10%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +9 or higher,
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
When the refine level of Headgear is +11 or higher,
reduce Fixed Casting Time by 0.5 seconds.
This item can be enchanted with Crafted Pendant Stone.
Type: Accessory (Right)
Def: 0
Weight: 10
Required Level: 1
Class: All Jobs
10 |

Zaha Doll Hat [1] |
Zaha doll hat which resembles angel of Zaha. It looks great on your head.
INT + 3. MDEF + 9.
Increases Magic Damage versus undead by 10%
When using Magic attacks or attacked by Magic jas a chance to transform the wearer into the White Lady for a short period of time.
During the transformation does the following.
-Increases MAtk by 30 * Refine Level (Minimum 30)
-Reduces Fixed Cast Time by 80 miliseconds * Refine Level (Minimum 80)
-Drains 10 sp/sec from the wearer
Item Class : Headgear
Defense : 1
Location : Upper
Weight : 0
Jobs : All |
10 |

Edgga Doll [1] |
+2 STR
Item Class: Headgear
Defense : 6
Location : Upper
Weight : 40
Required Level : 30
Jobs : All |
10 |

Imp Hat |
A friendly Imp that has a random chance of endowing your attacks with lvl 1 Endow Blaze while dealing physical attacks.
Class : Headgear
Defense : 1
Head Location : Upper
Weight : 40
Required Level : 1
Jobs : All
5 |

Elemental Boots [1] |
A magic boots imbued with four elemental powers.
It is said if you can collect all elemental equipment, you will master the four elements.
Increase Fire Bolt, Cold Bot, Lightning Bolt, and Earth Spike damage by 15%.
For every refine level, increase Fire Bolt, Cold Bot, Lightning Bolt, and Earth Spike damage by additional 2%.
When refined to +7 or higher, MATK + 20.
When refined to +9 or higher, there's a chance to gain INT + 70, MATK + 10% for 5 seconds when performing physical attack.
When refined to +11 or higher, increase Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth property magical damage by 10%.
Set Bonus:
Elemental Boots [1]
Elemental Sword [3]
ASPD + 2, MATK + 70.
When the refine level of Elemental Sword is +10 or higher, increase all property magical damage by 10%.
Type: Shoes
Def: 10
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
Class: All Jobs
5 |

Hero's Badge [1] |
An insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate well with Ancient Hero's weapons.
All Basic Status + 2.
Type: Accessory (Left)
Def: 0
Weight: 20
Required Level: 150
Class: All Jobs
5 |
New Item categories available to exchange
Item Name |
Description |
Coupon Required |

Crafted Pendant Stone
A colorful stone that was used to craft magic equipment.
It can grant 2 random options to Thanatos Necklace.
There's a low chance of obtaining one of the following items when used.
Blue Mental Pendant
Red Force Pendant
You can purchase this item from [Salesman Macaron] by exchanging [Kachua] Mileage Coupon.
Weight: 1
1 |

Dark Stone |
A strange stone that grants mysterious powers.
Grant 2 random options to the following equipment.
[Applicable Items]
Blue Mental Pendant
Red Force Pendant
You can purchase this item from [Salesman Macaron] by exchanging [Kachua] Mileage Coupon.
Weight: 1
1 |
Shadow Equipment exchange list
Item Name |
Coupon Required |
Full Penetration Shadow Mix Box |
75 |
Full Tempest Shadow Mix Box |
75 |
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Box |
75 |
Major Auto Spell Shadow Mix Box |
75 |
Perfect Size Lapine Box |
75 |
Lord Bearer's Shadow Mix |
75 |
Mega Blitz Shadow Synthesis Box |
75 |
Spell Caster Shadow Mix Box |
75 |
Status Shadow Item Combiner |
50 |
Full Power Shadow Armor |
30 |
Full Power Shadow Shoes |
30 |
Full Spell Shadow Armor |
30 |
Full Spell Shadow Shoes |
30 |
Focusing Shadow Pendant |
30 |
Focusing Shadow Earring |
30 |
Witty Shadow Pendant |
30 |
Witty Shadow Earring |
30 |
Stout Shadow Pendant |
30 |
Stout Shadow Earring |
30 |
Full Rate Shadow Armor |
30 |
Full Rate Shadow Shoes |
30 |
Bearer's Shadow Cube |
30 |
Penetration Shadow Box |
30 |
Tempest Shadow Box |
30 |
Mammoth Shadow Cube |
30 |
M. Meister Shadow Armor |
20 |
M. Meister Shadow Shoes |
20 |
M. Meister Shadow Earring |
20 |
M. Meister Shadow Pendant |
20 |
Master Shadow Weapon |
15 |
Master Shadow Shield |
15 |
Physical Power Shadow Weapon |
10 |
Physical Power Shadow Shield |
10 |
Magical Spell Shadow Weapon |
10 |
Magical Spell Shadow Shield |
10 |
Concentration Shadow Weapon |
10 |
Concentration Shadow Shield |
10 |
Wisdom Shadow Weapon |
10 |
Wisdom Shadow Shield |
10 |
Stamina Shadow Weapon |
10 |
Stamina Shadow Shield |
10 |
Creative Shadow Weapon |
10 |
Creative Shadow Shield |
10 |
Blitz Shadow Armor |
10 |
Blitz Shadow Weapon |
10 |
Spellflow Shadow Armor |
10 |
Auto Spell Shadow Box |
10 |
Lord Bearer's Shadow Spellbook |
7 |
Mega Blitz Shadow Spellbook |
7 |
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Spellbook |
7 |
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Spellbook |
7 |
Talent Status Shadow Spellbook |
2 |
Shadow Enhancement Box |
2 |
Almighty Shadow Spellbook |
2 |
Equipment exchange list
Item Name |
Coupon Required |
Record of Acolyte [1] |
50 |
Record of Acolyte vol.2 [1] |
50 |
Record of Swordman [1] |
50 |
Record of Swordman vol.2 [1] |
50 |
Record of Merchant [1] |
50 |
Record of Merchant vol.2 [1] |
50 |
Thanatos Magic Sword [1] |
50 |
Violent Dragon Shadow Armor [1] |
40 |
Abyss Lake Roaring Armor [1] |
40 |
Poenetentia Crown Box |
35 |
Zodiac Boots Box |
30 |
Sprout of World Tree Egg |
20 |
Thanatos Helmet Box |
20 |
Blue Mental Pendant [1] |
15 |
Red Force Pendant [1] |
15 |
Thanatos Necklace |
10 |
Zaha Doll Hat [1] |
10 |
Edgga Doll [1] |
10 |
Victory Wing Ear |
10 |
Celine Dress [1] |
10 |
Ancient Hero's Boots Modifying Cube |
10 |
Ancient Heros Weapon Modification Cube |
10 |
Temporal Manteau Box |
7 |
Cursed Knight's Shield [1] |
7 |
Imp Hat |
5 |
Elemental Boots [1] |
5 |
Hero's Badge [1] |
5 |
Deep Blue Sunglasses |
5 |
Violet Halo [1] |
5 |
Golden Fish Hat [1] |
5 |
Celine's Brooch Type K [1] |
5 |
Amistr Beret [1] |
5 |
Fancy Feather Hat [1] |
5 |
Ruff Officer [1] |
5 |
Ancient Heros Weapon Box |
5 |
Ancient Hero Boots [1] |
5 |
Overwhelm Armor Box |
3 |
EXP Advisor |
3 |
Giant Snake Breath |
3 |
CD in Mouth Type K |
3 |
The Agony of Thanatos [1] |
3 |
Battle Processor |
3 |
Archangel Ring [1] |
3 |
Items exchange list
Item Name |
Coupon Required |
Enchant Ticket |
10 |
Holgren Shadow Hammer |
3 |
Pump of Spirit |
2 |
Great Heros Wisdom |
2 |
Great Heros Bravery |
2 |
Crafted Pendant Stone |
1 |
Dark Stone |
1 |