Ragnarok Online - Events - Hunt Event for newly Returned Heroes!
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Hunt Event for newly Returned Heroes!

As a welcome back to those returning Heroes that have not quite made it to 3rd class we have 2 special Turn-In events that will last from April 14 to 28th.

Our first turnin event is in the Field South of Juno. You can choose to hunt 100-200 Harpies to earn a big exp reward for you and your level 70-100 party. Your VIP bonus will apply to give you the bonus quest Exp!

And the second turning is for Hunting Medusas in the West Comodo Cave, you can also hunt 100-200 Medusa for an EXP reward for you and your level 95 -120 party.

Be careful hunting though, as the monster quantity has been increased drastically to deal with the higher traffic. Those 2 monsters won't give exp for just killing them, but the quest reward will make up this difference and speed up party leveling faster than just normal hunting!