Ragnarok Online - Events - Thanksgiving event: Chefs of Iron 2011
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Thanksgiving event: Chefs of Iron 2011

Join us for a thanksgiving quest designed and written by community member Seraphim. Help out the chefs of Rune Midgards to create a time of epic meals!

Whether by Planes, Trains or Automobile, we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in the States by visiting family and taking a few days to relax. In Rune Midgards, they kick back and throw a great feast. Sponsored by the United Chefs' Union, a number of famous cooks labor to create fantastic dishes from local ingredients.

This quest will have players level 60 and above visiting these tempermental but talented individuals and help them to hunt or harvest the theme ingredients they need. Begin by speaking to Chef Lidia on the street in Southeast Prontera.

After completing the quests given to you by the five chefs, you will be able to trade 1 Pumpkin Pie for a complete HP/SP.