Jump to the past with Ragnarok Online's New Classic Server: Loki!
Introduced in June, the classic server is the first of its kind and a chance for players to experience a retro Ragnarok Experience as it was with some unique enhancements.
Major features of Classic
- Ingame mechanics and maps from pre-Renewal, pre-Destruction of Morroc
- 2-1 and 2-2 classes available from the start
- WoE, Transcendent and Expanded classes will be available after there is a moderate level of high level players on the server
- Weekly evaluation and improvement of monster spawns on a per-map basis
- Kafra shop available with convenience items
- Timed releases of global update maps, with midgard slowly growing as players level up
- High level gear will drop in boxes, once opened these items
- Free to play!
The classic server is a unique experience, challenging but very rewarding.
Players are able to use their existing Ragnarok Online accounts to play on Classic: Loki, but you need to use the ClassicRO exe file in your Ragnarok folder.
The first three character slots can be accessed at any time, VIP subscribers can create a maximum of 9 characters. If your VIP expires you will not be able to access characters besides the first three slots.
Resources: Since pre-renewal mechanics, monster and item attributes are different from those of Renewal, we recommend the following places to find information before you start your classic journey!
Pre-Renewal wiki and Database at iROwiki
Classic patch notices and map spawn adjustments
Check out the Classic tech support section of the forums for any technical issues