Constellation Tower

As Betelgeuse destroyed the old Endless Tower, he rebuilt the new tower, called Constellation Tower, and lives at the top. With expanded floors and stronger monsters, he is waiting for adventurers who want to challenge him.
Dungeon Entry | Expanded Floor | Gameplay | Confronting the Betelgeuse
New Costume | New Equipment | New Material | New Enchantment
1. Dungeon Entry
Just like the old Endless Tower, go to NPC Captain Jansen(/navi alberta 214/77) to move you to Misty Island by paying 10.000 Zeny. Make sure your base level 240 or higher.

Locations: /navi alberta 214/77
NPC: Captain Jansen
Level Requirement: Base Level 240 or higher
Cooldown: 3 Days
Time Limit: 60 Minutes
2. Expanded Floor
The tower consists of 75 floors, each filled with ferocious enemies waiting for any reckless adventurers. On every 5th floor, you can consume a certain amount of Meteorite to skip the next 4 floors by interacting with the torch.

Take note, that the amount of meteorite needed will increased each time you use the skip mechanism.
3. Gameplay
On every 25th floor, you can choose between fighting the floor boss or advancing to the higher floors, where even harder enemies and bosses await.
Beware, if you choose to fight the boss on this floor, your expedition will end for the day.
Before confronting the boss on floor 50 or above, you can set the difficulty level and tribute of Meteorite Dust accordingly at the Goddess's Altar.
When conquering the 50th floor of Betelgeuse, the basic difficulty value starts at 0% and can be raised up to 600% in the fountain.
When conquering Betelgeuse on the 75th floor, the basic difficulty value starts at 600% and can be raised to 1000% in the fountain.
Three new costumes related to Betelgeuse will be added.
You can check the acquisition probability at the Goddess's Altar, depending on the difficulty.
Of course, if you don't meet the criteria, you won't see any notifications.
4. Confronting the Betelgeuse
He’s so strong beware of his trap!

Once Betelgeuse is defeated, there’s a chance for the Betelgeuse costume equipment to drop.
It appears when you successfully clear a stage with a difficulty level of 400 or higher, and the probability of dropping costume equipment changes depending on the difficulty level.
It is recommended that you check the approximate drop probability at the Goddess's Altar.

5. New Costume
Item Name
Description |

Costume Drooping Betelgeuse
A hanging Betelgeuse doll.
When placed on top of the head, it feels like it is staring at you.
Type : Costume
Location : Upper
Def : 0
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Class : All

Costume Betelgeuse Wig
A wig that gives you the feeling of a mysterious power the moment you put it on your head.
However, it is said that it does not actually give you power.
Type : Costume
Location : Lower
Def : 0
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Class : All

Costume Black Thunder
It wraps its body in a powerful-looking lightning bolt.
However, despite its powerful appearance, it is said that it does not actually generate any power.
Type : Costume
Location : Middle
Def : 0
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Class : All
6. New Equipment
New equipment becomes available after you clear Constellation Tower Floor 50 and defeat Betelgeuse for the first time. The NPC OSC0007 (/navi e_tower 78/112) will then appear on Misty Island.

- Accessorry
Item Name
Description |

Signet of Star [1]
A seal faintly imbued with the magic of a star
It seems to have no special features.
Type : Accessory(Right)
Def : 0
Weight : 50
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Power Signet of Star [1]
A seal imbued with the power of power among the star magic.
ATK + 7%, P.ATK + 3.
Set Bonus:
Power Signet of Star[1]
Nebula Armor of Power[1]
ATK + 5%, P.ATK + 2.
Type : Accessory(Right)
Def : 10
Weight : 50
Armor Lv : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Stamina Signet of Star [1]
A seal imbued with the power of stamina among the star magic.
MaxHP + 7%, RES + 5.
Set Bonus:
Stamina Signet of Star[1]
Nebula Armor of Stamina[1]
MaxHP + 5%, RES + 3.
Type : Accessory(Right)
Def : 10
Weight : 50
Armor Lv : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Concentration Signet of Star [1]
A seal imbued with the power of concentration among the star magic.
Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 7%), Cri + 3.
Set Bonus:
Concentration Signet of Star[1]
Nebula Suit of Concentration[1]
ASPD + 1, Cri + 7.
Type : Accessory(Right)
Def : 10
Weight : 50
Armor Lv : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Creative Signet of Star [1]
A seal imbued with the power of creative among the star magic.
Increases critical damage by 7%, P.ATK + 2.
Set Bonus:
Creative Signet of Star[1]
Nebula Suit of Creative[1]
increases critical damage by 5%, P.ATK + 2.
Type : Accessory(Right)
Def : 10
Weight : 50
Armor Lv : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Spell Signet of Star [1]
A seal imbued with the power of spell among the star magic.
Increases all property magical damage by 7%, S.MATK + 2.
Set Bonus:
Spell Signet of Star[1]
Nebula Robe of Spell[1]
increases all property magical damage by 5%, S.MATK + 2.
Type : Accessory(Right)
Def : 10
Weight : 50
Armor Lv : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Wisdom Signet of Star [1]
A seal imbued with the power of wisdom among the star magic.
Reduces variable casting time by 7%, H.PLUS + 2.
Set Bonus:
Wisdom Signet of Star[1]
Nebula Robe of Wisdom[1]
increases heal effectiveness by 10%, H.PLUS + 2.
Type : Accessory(Right)
Def : 10
Weight : 50
Armor Lv : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All
Item Name
Description |

Vague Star's Robe [1]
A Robe faintly imbued with the magic of the stars.
MATK +125.
Every 2 refine, MATK +15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases all property magical damage by 10%.
Type : Armor
Def : 105
Weight : 50
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Vague Star's Suit [1]
A Suit faintly imbued with the magic of the stars.
ATK +75, MATK +75.
Every 2 refine, ATK +10 MATK +10.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, ASPD +7%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
Type : Armor
Def : 135
Weight : 150
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Vague Star's Armor [1]
An Armor faintly imbued with the magic of the stars.
ATK +125.
Every 2 refine, ATK +15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, MaxHP +7%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases melee physical damage by 10%.
Type : Armor
Def : 175
Weight : 250
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Nebula Armor of Power [1]
Armor that has received the physical energy of the star's power.
Increases physical abilities.
POW +1.
ATK +125.
Every 2 refine, ATK +15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, ATK +5%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases melee physical damage by 20%.
[Grade Bonus]
[Grade D] ATK + 2, ATK + 1% per 2 refine, Melee physical damage increases by 1% per 3 refine.
[Grade C] [Grade C] ATK + 3, ATK + 1% per 2 refine, melee physical damage by 1% per 3 refine.
[Grade B] ATK + 2% per 2 refine, melee physical damage by 1% per 3 refine, P.ATK + 1 per 4 refine.
[Grade A] ATK + 3% per 2 refine, melee physical damage by 2% per 3 refine, P.ATK + 2. per 4 refine.
Type : Armor
Def : 175
Weight : 250
Armor Level : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Nebula Armor of Stamina [1]
Armor that has received the stamina energy of the star's power.
Increases stamina.
STA +1.
MaxHP +10%.
Every 2 refine, Def +15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases incoming heal effectiveness by 10%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, MaxHP + 15%.
[Grade Bonus]
[Grade D] Def + 5 and additional 2% increase received healing per 2 refine, RES + 1 per 4 refine.
[Grade C] Def + 7 and additional 3% increase received healing per 2 refine, RES + 2 per 4 refine.
[Grade B] MHP + 1% per 3 refine, RES + 3 per 4 refine.
[Grade A] MHP + 2% per 3 refine, RES + 4 per 4 refine.
Type : Armor
Def : 175
Weight : 250
Armor Level : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Nebula Suit of Concentration [1]
Suit that has received the concentration energy of the star's power.
Increases concentration.
CON +1.
ATK +125.
Every 2 refine, ATK +15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, ASPD +10%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 20%.
[Grade Bonus]
[Grade D] ATK + 2, Attack speed increase added (delay after attack reduced by 1%), ATK + 1% per 2 refine.
[Grade C] ATK + 3, Attack speed increase added (delay after attack reduced by 1%), ATK + 2% per 2 refine.
[Grade B] Attack Speed Increases per 2 refine (2% decrease in delay after attack), 1% additional increase in ranged physical damage per 3 refine, P.ATK + 1 per 4 refine.
[Grade A] Attack Speed Increases per 2 refine (2% decrease in delay after attack), 2% additional increase in ranged physical damage per 3 refine, P.ATK + 2 per 4 refine.
Type : Armor
Def : 135
Weight : 150
Armor Level : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Nebula Suit of Creative [1]
Suit that has received the creative energy of the star's power.
Increases creative.
CRT +1.
ATK +100.
Every 2 refine, ATK +10.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, CRI +5.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases critical damage by 20%.
[Grade Bonus]
[Grade D] ATK + 1 per 2 refine, Critical damage + 2% per 3 refine, CRI + 1.
[Grade C] ATK + 2 per 2 refine, Critical damage + 3% per 3 refine, CRI + 2.
[Grade B] Critical damage + 5% per 3 refine, C.Rate + 1, P.ATK + 1 per 4 refine,
[Grade A] Critical damage + 7% per 3 refine, C.Rate + 1, P.ATK + 2 per 4 refine.
Type : Armor
Def : 135
Weight : 150
Armor Level : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Nebula Robe of Spell [1]
Robe that has received the spell energy of the star's power.
Increases spell.
SPL +1.
MATK +125.
Every 2 refine, MATK +15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, MATK + 5%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases all property magical damage by 15%.
[Grade Bonus]
[Grade D] MATK + 2 per 2 refine, MATK + 1% additional, all attribute magic damage increases by 3% per 3 refine.
[Grade C] MATK + 3 per 2 refine, MATK + 1% additional, all attribute magic damage increases by 3% per 3 refine.
[Grade B] MATK + 2% additional, all attribute magic damage increases by 5% per 3 refine, S.MATK + 1 per 4 refine.
[Grade A] MATK + 3% additional, all attribute magic damage increases by 5% per 3 refine, S.MATK + 2 additional per 4 refine.
Type : Armor
Def : 105
Weight : 50
Armor Level : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All

Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1]
Robe that has received the wisdom energy of the star's power.
Increases wisdom.
WIS +1.
MATK +125.
Every 2 refine, MaxSP + 2% and increases heal effectiveness by 1%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases SP recovery rate by 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
[Grade Bonus]
[Grade D] Additional 2% increase in SP recovery per 2 refine, additional 1% increase in healing amount, additional 1 MRES per 3 refine.
[Grade C] Additional 3% increase in SP recovery per 2 refine, additional 2% increase in healing amount, additional 2 MRES per 3 refine.
[Grade B] Additional 1% MSP per 2 refine, additional 2 MRES per 3 refine, additional 2 H.PLUS per 4 refine.
[Grade A] Additional 2% MSP per 2 refine, additional 3 MRES per 3 refine, additional 3 H.PLUS per 4 refine.
Type : Armor
Def : 105
Weight : 50
Armor Level : 2
Required Level : 240
Class : All
7. New Material
The new material comes from Constellation Tower. It can drop from the boss and the reward chest after defeating Betelgeuse.
Item Name
Description |

Meteorite Dust
The powder that was on the surface of the meteorite.
The meteorite has some magical power.
Weight: 0.1

Meteorite Fragment
A fragment of a huge meteorite.
A fairly strong magical power is felt.
Weight: 1

Soul of Naght Sieger
Naght Sieger's soul fragment.
A small amount, but you can feel Naght Sieger's power.
Weight: 0

Soul of Betelgeuse
Betelgeuse's soul fragment.
A very small amount, but the power of Betelgeuse can be felt.
Weight: 0

Power Meteorite Dust
Power Meteorite Powder.
Weight: 0.1

Stamina Meteorite Dust
Stamina Meteorite Powder.
Weight: 0.1

Concentration Meteorite Dust
Concentration Meteorite Powder.
Weight: 0.1

Creative Meteorite Dust
Creative Meteorite Powder.
Weight: 0.1

Spell Meteorite Dust
Spell Meteorite Powder.
Weight: 0.1

Wisdom Meteorite Dust
Wisdom Meteorite Powder.
Weight: 0.1

Power Meteorite Fragment
Meteorite Fragment of Power.
Weight : 0.1

Stamina Meteorite Fragment
Meteorite Fragment of Stamina.
Weight : 0.1

Concentration Meteorite Fragment
Meteorite Fragment of Concentration.
Weight : 0.1

Creative Meteorite Fragment
Meteorite Fragment of Creative.
Weight : 0.1

Spell Meteorite Fragment
Meteorite Fragment of Spell.
Weight : 0.1

Wisdom Meteorite Fragment
Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom.
Weight : 0.1
8. New enchantment
New enchantment becomes available after you clear Constellation Tower Floor 50 and defeat Betelgeuse for the first time. The NPC OSC0008 (/navi e_tower 80/110) will then appear on Misty Island. This system is similar to the Enchant Ticket, but is specifically for the Nebula armor series and Signet of Star accessories from Constellation Tower.

The armor needs to be at least +9 to begin the enchantment, and you can reset your enchantment using Meteorite Dust.
Item Name
Description |

Star Clust POW Lv.1
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Atk + 5 and increases melee physical damage by 1% per 15 base POW of the user.
If armor grade is D, P.Atk + 1 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is C, additional P.Atk + 1 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is B, additional P.Atk + 1 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is A, additional P.Atk + 1 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.

Star Clust POW Lv.2
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Atk + 7 and increases melee physical damage by 1% per 15 base POW of the user.
If armor grade is D, P.Atk + 1 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is C, additional P.Atk + 1 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is B, additional P.Atk + 2 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is A, additional P.Atk + 2 and increases melee physical damage by additional 2% per 15 base POW.

Star Clust POW Lv.3
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Atk + 15 and increases melee physical damage by 2% per 15 base POW of the user.
If armor grade is D, P.Atk + 1 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is C, additional P.Atk + 2 and increases melee physical damage by additional 1% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is B, additional P.Atk + 2 and increases melee physical damage by additional 2% per 15 base POW.
If armor grade is A, additional P.Atk + 3 and increases melee physical damage by additional 3% per 15 base POW.

Star Clust STA Lv.1
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
MaxHP + 1% and Res + 1 per 15 base STA of the user.
If armor grade is D, additional MaxHP + 1% and Res + 1 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is C, additional MaxHP + 1% and additional Res + 1 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is B, additional MaxHP + 1% and additional Res + 1 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is A, additional MaxHP + 1% and additional Res + 2 per 15 base STA.

Star Clust STA Lv.2
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
MaxHP + 2% and Res + 2 per 15 base STA of the user.
If armor grade is D, additional MaxHP + 1% and Res + 1 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is C, additional MaxHP + 1% and additional Res + 1 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is B, additional MaxHP + 2% and additional Res + 1 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is A, additional MaxHP + 2% and additional Res + 2 per 15 base STA.

Star Clust STA Lv.3
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
MaxHP + 3% and Res + 4 per 15 base STA of the user.
If armor grade is D, additional MaxHP + 1% and Res + 1 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is C, additional MaxHP + 2% and additional Res + 2 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is B, additional MaxHP + 2% and additional Res + 2 per 15 base STA.
If armor grade is A, additional MaxHP + 3% and additional Res + 3 per 15 base STA.

Star Clust CON Lv.1
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 1% and Atk + 5 per 15 base CON of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is C, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is B, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is A, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 2 per 15 base CON.

Star Clust CON Lv.2
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 2% and Atk + 7 per 15 base CON of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is C, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is B, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 2 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is A, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 2% and additional P.Atk + 2 per 15 base CON.

Star Clust CON Lv.3
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 2% and Atk + 15 per 15 base CON of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 1% and P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is C, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 2% and additional P.Atk + 2 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is B, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 2% and additional P.Atk + 2 per 15 base CON.
If armor grade is A, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 3% and additional P.Atk + 3 per 15 base CON.

Star Clust CRT Lv.1
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases critical damage by 1% and Atk + 5 per 15 base CRT of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases critical damage by additional 1% and P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is C, increases critical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is B, increases critical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is A, increases critical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.

Star Clust CRT Lv.2
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases critical damage by 2% and Atk + 7 per 15 base CRT of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases critical damage by additional 1% and P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is C, increases critical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is B, increases critical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 2 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is A, increases critical damage by additional 2% and additional P.Atk + 2 per 15 base CRT.

Star Clust CRT Lv.3
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases critical damage by 3% and Atk + 15 per 15 base CRT of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases critical damage by additional 1% and P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is C, increases critical damage by additional 1% and additional P.Atk + 1 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is B, increases critical damage by additional 2% and additional P.Atk + 3 per 15 base CRT.
If armor grade is A, increases critical damage by additional 3% and additional P.Atk + 3 per 15 base CRT.

Star Clust SPL Lv.1
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases all property magical damage by 1% and Matk + 5 per 15 base SPL of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is C, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and additional S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is B, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and additional S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is A, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and additional S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.

Star Clust SPL Lv.2
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases all property magical damage by 2% and Matk + 7 per 15 base SPL of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is C, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and additional S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is B, increases all property magical damage by additional 2% and additional S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is A, increases all property magical damage by additional 2% and additional S.Matk + 2 per 15 base SPL.

Star Clust SPL Lv.3
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
Increases all property magical damage by 3% and Matk + 15 per 15 base SPL of the user.
If armor grade is D, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is C, increases all property magical damage by additional 1% and additional S.Matk + 1 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is B, increases all property magical damage by additional 2% and additional S.Matk + 2 per 15 base SPL.
If armor grade is A, increases all property magical damage by additional 3% and additional S.Matk + 2 per 15 base SPL.

Star Clust WIS Lv.1
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
MaxSP + 1% and increases heal effectiveness by 1% per 15 base WIS of the user.
If armor grade is D, additional MaxSP + 1% and increases heal effectiveness by additional 1% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is C, additional MaxSP + 1%, increases heal effectiveness by additional 2% and increases SP recovery rate by 1% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is B, additional MaxSP + 1%, increases heal effectiveness by additional 2% and increases SP recovery rate by additional 2% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is A, additional MaxSP + 1% and H.Plus + 1 per 15 base WIS.

Star Clust WIS Lv.2
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
MaxSP + 1% and increases heal effectiveness by 3% per 15 base WIS of the user.
If armor grade is D, additional MaxSP + 1% and increases heal effectiveness by additional 2% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is C, additional MaxSP + 1%, increases heal effectiveness by additional 2% and increases SP recovery rate by 1% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is B, additional MaxSP + 1%, H.Plus + 1 and increases SP recovery rate by additional 2% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is A, additional MaxSP + 2% and additional H.Plus + 2 per 15 base WIS.

Star Clust WIS Lv.3
The essence of stars that strengthens the wearer.
MaxSP + 2% and increases heal effectiveness by 5% per 15 base WIS of the user.
If armor grade is D, additional MaxSP + 1% and increases heal effectiveness by additional 2% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is C, additional MaxSP + 1%, increases heal effectiveness by additional 2% and increases SP recovery rate by 2% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is B, additional MaxSP + 2%, H.Plus + 2 and increases SP recovery rate by additional 3% per 15 base WIS.
If armor grade is A, additional MaxSP + 2% and additional H.Plus + 3 per 15 base WIS.

Star Mettle Lv.1
ATK + 3%.
HIT + 10.

Star Mettle Lv.2
ATK + 5%.
HIT + 15.

Star Mettle Lv.3
ATK + 7%.
HIT + 20.
P.ATK + 1.

Star Mettle Lv.4
ATK + 10%.
HIT + 25.
P.ATK + 2.

Star Mettle Lv.5
ATK + 15%.
HIT + 30.
P.ATK + 4.

Star M.Archer Lv.1
Increases long ranged physical damage by 2%.
ATK + 2%.

Star M.Archer Lv.2
Increases long ranged physical damage by 3%.
ATK + 3%.

Star M.Archer Lv.3
Increases long-range physical damage by 5%.
ATK + 5%.
P.ATK + 1.

Star M.Archer Lv.4
Increases long-range physical damage by 7%.
ATK + 6%.
P.ATK + 2.

Star M.Archer Lv.5
Increases long-range physical damage by 10%.
ATK + 7%.
P.ATK + 4.

Star Sharp Lv.1
Crit + 2, Critical damage increases by 2%.

Star Sharp Lv.2
Crit + 3, Critical damage increases by 3%.

Star Sharp Lv.3
Crit + 5, Critical damage increases by 5%.
P.ATK + 1.

Star Sharp Lv.4
Crit + 6, Critical damage increases by 10%.
P.ATK + 2.

Star Sharp Lv.5
Crit + 8, Critical damage increases by 15%.
P.ATK + 2, C.Rate + 1.

Star Spell Lv.1
MATK + 5, Variable casting time reduced by 5%.

Star Spell Lv.2
MATK + 7, Variable casting time reduced by 5%.

Star Spell Lv.3
MATK + 11, Variable casting time reduced by 7%.
S.MATK + 1.

Star Spell Lv.4
MATK + 17, Variable casting time reduced by 10%.
S.MATK + 2.

Star Spell Lv.5
MATK + 25, Variable casting time reduced by 15%.
S.MATK + 4.

Star Speed Lv.1
FLEE + 5.
ASPD + 5%.

Star Speed Lv.2
FLEE + 10.
ASPD + 7%.

Star Speed Lv.3
FLEE + 15.
ASPD + 7%.

Star Speed Lv.4
FLEE + 20.
ASPD + 10%.
ASPD + 1.

Star Speed Lv.5
FLEE + 30.
ASPD + 15%.
ASPD + 2.

Star Vital Lv.1
MHP + 2%.
RES, MRES + 1.

Star Vital Lv.2
MHP + 3%.
RES, MRES + 2.

Star Vital Lv.3
MHP + 5%.
RES, MRES + 4.

Star Vital Lv.4
MHP + 7%.
RES, MRES + 6.

Star Vital Lv.5
MHP + 10%.
RES, MRES + 10.

Star Spirit Lv.1
Heal effectiveness increased by 5%.
MSP + 3%.
SP recovery increased by 10%.

Star Spirit Lv.2
Heal effectiveness increased by 7%.
MSP + 5%.
SP recovery increased by 15%.

Star Spirit Lv.3
Heal effectiveness increased by 10%.
MSP + 5%.
H.PLUS + 1.
SP recovery increased by 15%.

Star Spirit Lv.4
Heal effectiveness increased by 10%.
MSP + 7%.
H.PLUS + 3.
SP recovery increased by 15%.

Star Spirit Lv.5
Heal effectiveness increased by 15%.
MSP + 10%.
H.PLUS + 5.
SP recovery increased by 20%.

Nebula F.Spirit Lv.1
ATK + 10.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional Atk + 10.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, additional Atk + 15.

Nebula F.Spirit Lv.2
ATK + 15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional Atk + 15.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, additional Atk + 30.

Nebula F.Spirit Lv.3
ATK + 20.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional Atk + 20.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, additional Atk + 40.

Nebula E.Archer Lv.1
Ranged physical damage increases by 3%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, ranged physical damage increases by an additional 3%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, ranged physical damage increases by an additional 4%.

Nebula E.Archer Lv.2
Ranged physical damage increases by 5%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, ranged physical damage increases by an additional 5%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, ranged physical damage increases by an additional 7%.

Nebula E.Archer Lv.3
Ranged physical damage increases by 7%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, ranged physical damage increases by an additional 7%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, ranged physical damage increases by an additional 15%.

Nebula Sharp Lv.1
Critical damage increases by 5%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, critical damage increases by 5%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, critical damage increases by 7%.

Nebula Sharp Lv.2
Critical damage increases by 7%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, critical damage increases by 7%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, critical damage increases by 12%.

Nebula Sharp Lv.3
Critical damage increases by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, critical damage increases by 10%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, critical damage increases by 15%.

Nebula Spell Lv.1
MATK + 10.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, MATK + 10.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, MATK + 15.

Nebula Spell Lv.2
MATK + 15.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, MATK + 15.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, MATK + 30.

Nebula Spell Lv.3
MATK + 20.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, MATK + 20.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, MATK + 40.

Nebula Healing Lv.1
Increases heal effectiveness by 5%, MaxSP + 3%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases heal effectiveness by additional 3%, additional MaxSP + 2%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases heal effectiveness by additional 5%, additional MaxSP + 3%.

Nebula Healing Lv.2
Increases heal effectiveness by 7%, MaxSP + 5%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases heal effectiveness by additional 5%, additional MaxSP + 3%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases heal effectiveness by additional 7%, additional MaxSP + 5%.

Nebula Healing Lv.3
Increases heal effectiveness by 10%, MaxSP + 5%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases heal effectiveness by additional 7%, additional MaxSP + 4%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases heal effectiveness by additional 10%, additional MaxSP + 7%.

Nebula Health Lv.1
MHP + 3%, DEF + 25.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional MaxHP + 3%, additional Def + 15.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, additional MaxHP + 5%, additional Def + 25.

Nebula Health Lv.2
MHP + 5%, DEF + 30.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional MaxHP + 4%, additional Def + 20.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, additional MaxHP + 6%, additional Def + 30.

Nebula Health Lv.3
MHP + 7%, DEF + 45.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional MaxHP + 5%, additional Def + 30.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, additional MaxHP + 8%, additional Def + 45.