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*complete* Emergency Maintenance 12/19/2007
Attention Users,

After WoE today starting at 5:30 PM PST, we will be having a short maintenance.

This maintenance is scheduled from 5:30-6 PM PST 12/19/2007, any changes to that time will be posted.

We will be addressing the missing Morroc Inn portal, as well as the non tradable Dungeon Teleport Scroll Boxes.

Thank you and have a Happy Holidays!
iRO GM Team
Gravity Interactive, Inc.

The following issues were dealt with during this maintenance period.

Dungeon Teleport Scroll Boxes being made Tradable.
Morroc_In portal being added to make egress possible
Missing "suspicious old man" in Toy Factory should be easier to find.
Minor hardware issues

Thank you for your patience.
iRO GM Team
Gravity Interactive, Inc.

Weekly Server Maintenance, December 18, 2007 [Completed]
Attention iRO Users, We would like to remind you that access to our game servers will be temporarily down during the regularly scheduled server maintenance at 10:00 AM PST. During the server maintenance, players will be unable to log into the Ragnarok Online game. Access to our game servers is scheduled to be restored after 01:00 PM PST. Scheduled Maintenance Times: Tuesdays, 10:00 AM (1000PST) to 01:00 PM (1300PST) Thank you for your cooperation, iRO GM Team Gravity Interactive, Inc.

The 1st week winners of the DVD giveaway have been picked!
Congratulations to all the winners of this first drawing for the Ragnarok DVD!

We picked 4 random 6 digit numbers (0s excluded)
and the closest 5 number choices to the lucky numbers won!

The lucky numbers for the drawing on 12/11 are.


And the winners for this week are:

Character Name Server
Red Haired ShanksChaos
Hanako EmiLoki
YoKee PlayBoyLoki
Trin-Trin JrLoki
Storm Gust !!Loki
Lord AerionSakray

The characters listed were the highest leveled characters on the account,
if you are the account user for one of those characters
please do the following so we can verify your identity
and get a valid shipping address to send the DVD to.

Use the email inquiry tool to make an "Account Related" inquiry.

Tell the GM team in the email that you are one of the winners
and the following verification and shipping information.

Account name
User name listed on the account
Nationality listed
Email address listed
Character that was the winner posted

Name to be shipped to
Shipping address

Please remember that the 30 day subscription included with the DVD
will only work when creating an account,
so this may be an opportunity to get a friend started!

Please do make sure to update your lucky numbers,
next week we will choose another batch of Raffle numbers
to win the Ragnarok Anime DVD Volume 1!

Good luck and Happy Holidays!
Gravity Interactive, Inc.

Weekly Server Maintenance, December 11, 2007 [Completed]
Attention iRO Users, We would like to remind you that access to our game servers will be temporarily down during the regularly scheduled server maintenance at 10:00 AM PST. During the server maintenance, players will be unable to log into the Ragnarok Online game. Access to our game servers is scheduled to be restored after 01:00 PM PST. Scheduled Maintenance Times: Tuesdays, 10:00 AM (1000PST) to 01:00 PM (1300PST) Thank you for your cooperation, iRO GM Team Gravity Interactive, Inc.

RO DVD Giveaway, December 4, 2007
Attetion All Users, The first volume of Ragnarok: The Animation from Funimation Entertainment is now available at several fine dealers. However, for the next two weeks, several lucky randomly chosen participating users will have their own copy courtesy of Gravity Interactive, Inc. and Funimation Entertainment. Simply talk to the Representative in Prontera and follow the directions on how to enter! A total of 40 DVDs will be given out to participating users during December 4, 2007 to December 18, 2007. Good Luck! iRO GM Team Gravity Interactive, Inc.
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