Hello Adventurer.
On April 23rd, 2024, we updated the Cash Shop item, in this new item mall update we are providing the new feature to the game. Tool Merchant and Zonda system.
These are a new feature to help adventurer to summon a NPC to assist you with their services anytime and anywhere. There are 3 box that will be available.
Item Name |
Description |
Price |

Edward Zonda Box (Account Bound)
ox containing 1 Edward Zonda Calling Bell, available for 30 days.
[Rental Item]
A chime calling for ‘Edward’, the person in charge of Zonda Support Service.
When the bell rings, he appears in front of customers anytime, anywhere.
[Basic Service]
Providing more efficient services for growth. - Bubble Gum (30 minutes, twice a day)
- Job Battle Manual (30 minutes, twice a day)
- Butterfly Wing (Unlimited)
- Enable to sell item
Caution! - No duplicate benefits regardless of the number of items you have.
[Zonda Special Service]
The following services are provided at a special price (Consume Nyangvine)
- Bubble Gum (24 hours)
- Job Battle Manual (24 hours)
- Reset skill tree
- Reset status
If you open this item, you are not eligible for cancellation or refund.
You need to have 0 weight in your character's inventory, and remove any Cart, Falcon, Warg, Madogear, Dragon, or other mounts in order to perform the reset with this item
Weight : 1

Elise Zonda Box
(Account Bound)
Box containing 1 Elise Zonda Calling Bell, available for 30 days.
[Rental Item]
A chime calling for ‘Elise’, the person in charge of Zonda Support Service.
When the bell rings, he appears in front of customers anytime, anywhere.
[Basic Service]
Providing more efficient services for growth. - Bubble Gum (30 minutes, twice a day)
- Job Battle Manual (30 minutes, twice a day)
- Butterfly Wing (Unlimited)
- Enable to sell item
Caution! - No duplicate benefits regardless of the number of items you have.
[Zonda Special Service]
The following services are provided at a special price (Consume Nyangvine)
- Bubble Gum (24 hours)
- Job Battle Manual (24 hours)
- Reset skill tree
- Reset status
If you open this item, you are not eligible for cancellation or refund.
You need to have 0 weight in your character's inventory, and remove any Cart, Falcon, Warg, Madogear, Dragon, or other mounts in order to perform the reset with this item
Weight : 1
KP |

Tool Merchant Bell Box
(Account Bound)
A box containing 1 Tool Dealer's Call Bell that available for 30 days.
[Rental Item]
If you have this, you can call a tool merchant anywhere and purchase useful consumables or sell the items you have.
Weight : 1
KP |
When opened the box, you will will receive the Bell-like item that has a duration for 30 days, to summon the NPC Edward, Elise, or Traveling Merchant, check the details below.

Edward/Elise Zonda Calling Bell
(Character Bound)

NPC Edward Zonda NPC Elise Zonda

Tool Merchant Call Bell
(Account Bound)

Traveling Merchant
There is benefit when using this item to assist your journey and hunting.
Zonda Service Box Premium

NPC Edward Zonda

NPC Eliza Zonda
Basic Service:
Bubble Gum Effect - Drop Rate +100%, twice a day, 30 minutes duration.
Job Battle Manual Effect - Job Exp +25%, twice a day, 30 minutes duration.
Butterfly Wing (Unlimited) - Going to your saved location
Selling Item - Able to sell your item
Special Service:
Bubble Gum Effect - Drop Rate +100%, cost you 10 Nyangvine, 24 Hours duration.
Job Battle Manual Effect - Job Exp +25%, cost you 10 Nyangvine, 24 Hours duration.
Reset Skill Tree - cost you 46 Nyangvine
Reset Status - cost you 106 Nyangvine

Traveling Merchant |
Tool Merchant Bell Box
Buy Consumables - Able to purchase Consumable item
Buy Arrows - Able to purchase Arrow, Silver Arrow, and Fire Arrow.
Selling Item - Able to sell your item |
- Item duration will started once opened from the box.
- Edward/Elise Zonda Calling Bell is character bound once opened.
- Tool Merchant Call Bell is account bound and able to put is kafra storage. However, the duration of the item will still run.
- You need to have 0 weight in your character's inventory, and remove any Cart, Falcon, Warg, Madogear, Dragon, or other mounts in order to perform the reset with NPC Edward and Elise Zonda.