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Payby Cash update is now live! Here are some added benefits.
On Tuesday, July 14, 2009 we have updated our service agreement with PaybyCash to offer our players better service.

PaybyCash now costs, you the player, the same as Credit Card would for our both Subscriptions and Kafra points. Plus Paybycash can be funded with TONS of methods that are specific to your area!

Of particular interest:

Thank you for your support!

Cameesa T-shirt submission period is over, time to get your shirts!
For the past 3 weeks RO themed shirts have been submitted, by community members, to Cameesa with their "Operation : Ragnarok". Many great shirts are available now, and many are still available for their crowdfunding price of $10 plus s/h.

So go show your support for your community artists, and get a neat shirt!
Operation: Ragnarok

Update to Paybycash prices
On Wednesday July 15, 2009 at 11am PST we will be updating the Paybycash payment options to match the prices of our Credit card payment options.

Prior, the fees that were charged by Paybycash were added onto the base price, we are going to absorb that cost to benefit our players who opt to use that payment option.

There may be a 10-15 minute payment page down time tomorrow when the change takes place.

Thank you,

Special headgears and Slotting Coupons available for a limited time!
Its Summer time, and that means new fun hats!
For a limited time, from July 14 - July 28, 2009, 4 Headgears and
2 lucky box favorites are being offered in the "Summer Hat Box!

Below is a list of what is inside the Summer hat Box, and what they do.

All Premium servers, 500 pts
Valkyrie, 650 pts
The Summer Hat box can be traded on Premium servers, it can not on Valkyrie.

Dont be worried if you open the box and find another box inside, that is just the Kafra
gals being extra careful in the shipping process, just open the new box.


Fish In Mouth
A fish that can bite inside your mouth. It smells bad,
but it won`t be rottened by special processes.
When the wearer kills a monster, they will get a low
chance to drop Fresh Fish.
Increases 25% of recover rate of Fresh Fish.

Class: Lower Headgear
Def : 0
Weight : 20
Required Level : 30
Jobs : All Trade: unrestricted

Dark Randgris Helm
A helm laced with the power of Valkyrie Randgris.
It helps its wearer to concentrate better.

Dex+3, Mdef+1
Class : Upper-MiddleHeadgear
Def : 2
Weight : 30
Required Level : none
Jobs : All Trade: unrestricted

Judge Hat
A helmet worn by capable judges It exists for justice.
Luk +1, Sp _30
Def : 2
Location : Upper-Middle
Weight : 30
Required Level : none
Job : All Trade: unrestricted

A device that can measure opponent`s power.
Commoners have a power level 5.
Heroes have a power level at least if not greater than 9,000!

Allows use of lvl 1 Sense.

Def : 1
Location : Middle
Weight : 10
Required Level : 15
Job : all but novice Trade: unrestricted

3x High Efficiency Battle Manual
This well written, detailed manual explains
High Efficiency battle methods.

EXP rate received increases to 200% for 15 minutes
weight: 1 Trade: Tradable/Storage

Slotting Advertisement
Come visit us in Payon as we amaze you with our
Brand new service of adding a Card slot to
normal equipement!
You`ve never seen something so amazing;
Watch as Troy adds a slot with his eyes closed,
it is an adventure for the whole family!

This old advertisement is from many years ago, but it does
promise the best of service from the best
item Socket expert the world has ever known.
The map on the 2nd page of the flyer looks like the shop
would be North of the grain mill in Payon.

Weight: 1
Trade: unrestricted

Have a safe Independence day!
We hope all of you who are celebrating 4th of July have fun and stay safe. If you are not celebrating 4th of July, we hope you are having a great weekend.

Don`t forget that the anniversary event is ending on Tuesday!
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