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Value Added Service Update : Server Transfers
In the interest of better serving our community on all servers we have reviewed our Server transfer settings and will be applying the following updates next Monday March 2nd, 2009.

  • Cost reduced for subscribed accounts to $10 + $5 per character.
  • Unsubscribed accounts can transfer for $12 + $5 per character.
    As a bonus a month of subscription is added to that account.
  • Transfers From Valkyrie to the Premium servers will be accepted.

This change will not work retroactively, it will only occur for Transfers requested starting after our changeover on March 2nd, 2009.

Thank you,
Gravity Interactive, Inc.

MMOSite Reader`s choice awards enters final voting Week!
Currently MMOSite.com is running their annual Reader`s Choice award, and we have several entries that are in the running for the top spots! By voting once per day you are not only showing your support for the games you enjoy, but you also tell the world that "Hey we love this game, and you should come and play with us too!".

Voting ends on February 10 so be sure to join in!
We hope to bring home the victory trophy this year!
Gravity Interactive, Inc.

Moscovia and God Item Creation quest update!
We are proud to announce that the way to Moscovia and WoE 2 Godly item creation will be opening on the Premium servers; February 3, 2009 with the regularly scheduled maintenance. Valkyrie server players will get full access to both the God Item creation quest and Moscovia on March 3.

Early access for the Moscovia and the Godly Item creation quests can be gained on the Valkyrie Server by purchasing a "Moscovia Poporing Key Package". This package is 300 points and comes with 10 Blue Butterfly wings, 2 Battle manuals and of course the Moscovia Poporing key. The Package can be traded to friends, but once opened the items are account bound.

With this update the Coco: Acorn exchange for exp will be removed from all servers, so if you have Acorns for this quest please spend them immediately, or use them after the update to talk to the "Huge Squirrel in Moscovia to get random prizes!

Further details of what exciting new adventures await you in both Moscovia and Okolnir will be posted as soon as possible. Don`t forget to turn in your OX Tokens before maintenance as well!

Gravity Interactive, Inc.

Update to the Happy Boxes!
With the short maintenance we have applied several fixes to make your game play more enjoyable.
The following corrections were made.
  • Client Crashes upon certain skill use of Monsters
  • Reinstate the Lunar new year event
  • Make the Wild Rose mercenaries show their correct name and be storagable
  • Apply the Necromancer Hoods proper effect of Casting Dark Strike on the opponent
  • Add in a safety catch on the Happy Box openers, to not allow those
    near maximum capacity to open boxes
  • Change the quantity of items giving in the Happy box,
    • Bubblegum will be 3
    • Insurance will be 15
    • and the Defense Potions will be 8 each

If you opened a Happy box on the Premium servers and received the lesser item quantity please contact the GM team prior to Wednesday 6pm PST January 28, 2009.
What items:

were received of the lesser amount. This will be a time consuming process but we will restore the difference in quanities for the premium server due to the difference in cost of these items purchased directly in the kafra Shop.
We must receive the inquiry by 6pm On Wednesday to attempt to perform this service.

Thank you,
Gravity Interactive, Inc.

Update to the Value added services policies
Starting Today, Tuesday January 27 2009, we will no longer be allowing WoE 2 God item pieces/items to be transferred. Thank you Gravity Interactive, Inc.
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